Admission to bachelor programme

Direct admission

If your diploma is listed here-below, you will need to start up your enrolment application online. You will be required to upload this diploma and its transcripts. You will then be informed by e-mail on how to proceed for enrolment. You need to ensure that you meet the language requirements too.

  • a Belgian degree, for specific diplomas a list is available in Dutch
  • an "European Baccalaureate" issued by a European School
  • an "International Baccalaureate - Diplôme du baccalauréat international" delivered by the International Baccalaureate Office (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • a diploma from the NATO SHAPE-school
  • Germany: "Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur"
  • France: "Baccalauréat Général", "Baccalauréat Technologique" or "Baccalauréat Professionnel"
  • Luxembourg: "Certificat de Fin d’Etudes secondaires" or "diplôme de Fin d’Etudes secondaires techniques"
  • The Netherlands: "Voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs" (VWO)", "Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd propedeutisch examen" of "Getuigschrift Propedeuse Hoger Beroepsonderwijs"
  • USA: "High school diploma" + transcript of records, with a minimum of 4APs (Advanced Placements), with an original Apostille seal
  • A foreign diploma declared equivalent by NARIC
  • A foreign university bachelor or master diploma, correctly certified/legalised

Start the application

Apply for admission

If you can be admitted in your own country for the programme of your choice, then you may be admitted at Ghent University for that same programme. You will need to submit a complete application package, which must include one of the following:

Please proceed to How to apply?

Entrance examination medicine/dentistry/veterinary medicine

There is an inter-university entrance examination (in Dutch) for admission in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.

  • If you wish to enrol for the Bachelor of Science in Medicine you will need to bring the official attestation of the entrance exam medicine of the Flemish Community that you are ranked, in addition to the above-mentioned documents.
  • If you wish to enrol for the Bachelor of Science in Dentistry you will need to bring the official attestation of the entrance exam dentistry of the Flemish Community that you are ranked, in addition to the above-mentioned documents.
  • If you wish to enrol for the Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine you will need to bring the official attestation of the entrance exam Veterinary Medicine of the Flemish Community that you are ranked, in addition to the above-mentioned documents.

Starter test (mandatory calibration test) (ijkingstoets/starttoets)

Some programs require you to participate in a starter test (= mandatory calibration test) (ijkingstoets/starttoets) in order to enrol:

  • Civil Engineer: engineering
  • Civil Engineer: engineering-architecture
  • Industrial Engineer: Engineering technology, Bioscience Engineering Technology and Bioindustrial sciences
  • Bio-Engineer
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics or Physics and astronomy
  • Bachelor of Science Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science Biomedical Sciences

More info on calibration tests and starting tests at UGent (information in Dutch).